Denise says:

Sushi is more fashionable than ever, and makes a great starter or canapé for any occasion. With kosher Japanese ingredients now easily available, you can impress friends by making your own. It is much easier than you ever imagined and very well worth a try! It is more like assembly work than other cooking. The term ‘Sushi’ is a corruption of ‘Sumeshi’ meaning vinegared rice, which is used for all Sushi dishes.
Other fillings for example strips of fine asparagus cooked until 'al dente' also make a great addition to the sushi repertoire.

Never keep the raw fish Sushi for longer than one day.

Makes : 10-12 Sushi pieces
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes


4-5 sheets roasted Nori (dried lava paper)
Vinegared Rice
250g sushi rice
500 ml water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons rice vinegar

Assorted Fillings
3 eggs
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
½ teaspoon salt
Shiitake Mushrooms and Carrots:
3 dried shiitake mushrooms
1 medium carrot
3 tablespoons caster sugar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons Japanese rice wine (Mirin) or dry sherry

Re-hydrated and sliced
Peeled and cut into julienne strips

Raw Fish
Strips of tuna and/or salmon

1 avocado
Juice of 1 lemon
Peeled and sliced into strips

½ cucumber
De-seeded and sliced into strips
1 red and 1 yellow pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
Cut into quarters and de-seeded

Pickled ginger
Wasabi (green horseradish paste)

Prepare your chosen fillings first before you make the vinegared rice. These can be done in advance (even the day before). The exception to this is the fresh
fish – this must be done when you assemble the sushi.


1)Beat the eggs in a bowl.
2)Add the caster sugar and salt and mix well.
3)Heat the oil in a frying pan.
4)Pour in one third of the egg.
5)Cook over a low heat until just set.
6)Fold the omelette in half in the pan and leave it there.
7)Pour the remaining egg in to the ‘clean’ half of the pan, cook this over a low heat until just set. Make sure the flame is under the uncooked egg.
(Be patient – let the egg set slowly rather than hurrying and turning it.)
6)Using a metal spatula flip the second half – omelette over the cooked folded
one to create a three-layered semi-circular omelette.

Shiitake Mushrooms and Carrot
1)Soak mushrooms in warm water for 25 minutes.
2)Drain, reserving 120 ml of the soaking liquid.
3)Squeeze the mushrooms dry.
4)Discard the hard stalks and finely shred the mushroom caps.
5)Place the mushrooms, carrot strips, caster sugar, soy sauce, rice wine in a saucepan with the reserved soaking liquid.
6)Simmer until all the juices have been absorbed.

Salmon and Tuna
1)Slice the fish into very thin strips.
All fish that is to be eaten raw must be bought and used on the same day.

1)Slice the avocado into strips.
2)Toss the strips in lemon juice to prevent them discolouring.

1)Slice in strips and remove seeds.

Red/Yellow Peppers
1)Brush the quartered peppers with olive oil and grill skin side up until the skin starts to blister.
2)Immediately put the peppers into a bowl and cover with cling film. This effectively steams off the skin.
3)Slice the skinned peppers into thin strips.

Vinegared Rice
1)Thoroughly wash the rice and drain well in a fine sieve.
2)Add the water and cook the rice in a deep saucepan by bringing to the boil, then simmering, covered for 15-20 minutes or until the water is absorbed.
3)Remove from the heat and leave to stand, still covered for 10 minutes.
4)Put the rice, sugar, salt and vinegar into a bowl and mix well.
5)Leave to cool at room temperature before using in the recipe.

To make up the Sushi
1)Heat the nori sheets in a dry frying pan for a few seconds each side, until toasted.
2)Put one Nori sheet, shortest side closest to you, on a Makisu (bamboo mat) or cloth napkin.
3)Spread vinegared rice over the Nori sheet, leaving a 1cm (½ inch) margin on the edge furthest from you.
4)Using your fingers, press the rice onto the Nori sheet.
5)Choose a colourful combination of the various fillings, sitting them crossways on top of the vinegared rice.
6)Roll up the Makisu from the edge nearest to you so that the ingredients are in the centre of the vinegared rice.
7)Lightly press the rolled Makisu with your fingers.
8)Repeat with more Nori and different fillings.

To Serve: Mix together 2 tablespoons rice vinegar and 1 tablespoon caster sugar. Dip a sharp knife into this and cut the starter size Nori into 6-8 slices and the canapé size into 4-6 slices.
Garnish with Wasabi paste (use sparingly as it is very hot); pickled ginger and a bowl of soy sauce. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.