Denise says:

In this recipe I have made slits in the skin and inserted garlic and parsley, which infuse their flavour at it cooks; a true Italian recipe simple with few fresh ingredients. This can also be made using sea bass or red mullet. Buy the fish ready filleted to speed up the preparation time - most fishmongers will be happy to oblige! It has beautiful silvery scales and slightly coarse but delicious flaky white flesh. Sea bream is best simply grilled as I have described in this recipe, but can also be baked in a cartouche (wrapped in paper) or barbecued

Preparation Time: 15 minutes plus 30 minutes marinating
Cooking Time: 15 minutes – subject to size of fish
Serves: 6 people


6 sea bream fillets – about 175g – 200g(6- 7 oz ) each
6 tablespoons olive oil
2 - 3 garlic cloves- peeled and cut lengthways into thin slivers
Bunch of fresh parsley
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For Garnish
Sea salt
3 lemons – cut into wedges

For the Spaghetti
625g dried spaghetti
900g fresh spinach or 450g frozen – roughly chopped
200g peas – fresh or frozen
Olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1)Pre-heat the grill to its highest setting.
2)Cut three diagonal slits on each fillet. Push one garlic sliver and a few sprigs of parsley in each of the slits. Place the fish in a single layer in a shallow dish.
Section: 2
3)Whisk the oil, vinegar, salt and freshly ground black pepper together and pour over the fish. Cover and leave in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes (but no more than 4 hours!)
4)Cook the spinach and peas separately and drain well.
5)Place the fish on an ovenproof tray. Pour over the marinade and grill for approximately 15 minutes.
Section: 3
6)Cook the spaghetti in boiling salted water according to the packet instructions – until al dente.
Section: 4
7)Drain the spaghetti and return to the pan. Add some olive oil and toss in the cooked spinach and peas. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

To serve the stylish way: Sit the sea bream fillets on top of the spaghetti. Sprinkle with some coarse sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and garnish with wedges of lemon.