Denise says:

Are you fed up with cold meat and salads or perhaps you are a vegetarian looking for a tasty supper or lunch dish for Passover? I have sautéed a mélange of mushrooms, surrounded it with some mashed potato and baked it; giving a new meaning to mash! The range of fresh mushrooms in the supermarkets today is quite varied; try using oyster, brown cap, shiitake and button mushrooms for a good ‘mushroom’ flavour. When you start to fry the mushrooms they suddenly release a lot of liquid. For the best results continue to cook so that all the liquid is absorbed back into the mushrooms.

This tasty pie is simple to prepare and can also be made in advance and reheated.
Serve it with a green salad topped with toasted almonds.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 50 minutes
Serves: 6


1.35 kg (3 pound) potatoes – peeled and roughly chopped
750g mushrooms, - brown cap, oyster, shiitake, button – cleaned and sliced
10 spring onions- trimmed and chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 eggs
200ml milk
Pinch of nutmeg
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan - optional
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Garnish: Chopped chives


1) Pre-heat the oven to 200 C/ 400 F/ Gas mark 6.
2) Cook the potatoes in boiling water until very soft.
3) Drain and mash using a ricer or fork. Stir in 50ml milk, 1 egg, salt and pepper and mix well. Spoon the mixture around the sides of a 23 cm/ 9 inch flat pie dish.
4) Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Sauté all the mushrooms and spring onions until soft and all the mushroom liquid has been absorbed.
5) Spoon the mushroom mixture into the centre of the potatoes.
6) Mix the remaining milk (150ml), 2 eggs, nutmeg, and salt and pepper together. Pour this batter over the mushrooms. Sprinkle over the grated Parmesan cheese – if using.
7) Bake the pie in the pre-heated oven for 40 minutes or until the mushroom mixture has set in the centre.

To serve the stylish way: Snip some chives over the top and serve immediately with a green salad.