Denise says:

Every year, we refer to our own family’s traditional recipe for Charoset but I wonder if you are aware that Charoset actually differs according to our heritage. Having researched world recipes, I have adapted the traditional Ashkenazi one and was given family recipes which originated from Morocco and California. They are all made in the same way; essentially finely chop and combine so that they look like mortar but of course taste completely different.

In Song of Songs, the Jewish people are compared to: apples, pomegranates, figs, dates, walnuts and almonds. Whilst over the centuries many recipes have developed in Jewish communities (see below), these are the main ingredients to be used for Charoset. The Talmud also says that the Charoset should be made tangy by using apples - commemorating the apple trees under which the Jewish women secretly gave birth in Egypt. (Based on Song of Songs 8:5)

Finally, the Talmud says to make the Charoset thick by adding spices, like ginger and cinnamon. This represents the straw and clay which the Jewish slaves used to construct buildings.


Traditional Ashkenazi Charoset
3 eating apples – peeled and cored, chopped or grated
110g walnut pieces
2 teaspoons cinnamon
5 tablespoons Kiddush wine or other Passover sweet red wine
Sugar or honey – to taste
Combine and refrigerate.

California Charoset
150g pitted dates, chopped
1 orange - peeled
1 avocado – peeled and stoned
2 bananas – peeled
100g shredded coconut
juice of 1/2 lemon
50g pine nuts
100g raisins
2 tablespoons matzah meal
Put all the ingredients into the blender and whiz to desired consistency.
Cover and refrigerate.

Morrocan Charoset
25 dates – pitted and chopped
100g pistachio nuts
50g whole blanched almonds
50g raisins
2 apples- peeled. Cored and diced
1 pomegranate – juice only
1 orange – peeled and finely chopped
1 banana sliced
100ml sweet red wine
3 tablespoons cider vinegar- Kosher for Pesach or use white vinegar
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon each of ground cardamom and cinnamon


1) Combine fruits and nuts or finely chop or grind in the food processor.
2) Add the wine, pomegranate juice and vinegar to make a paste. Blend in spices
3) Store in a glass container in the refrigerator until required – up to 1 day.
Tagged in: Apples, Honey, Nuts